Benefits of Massage

Massage is one of those things that while we enjoy thoroughly, we always wonder if it has any tangible benefits other than the tension relief. Well, there are plenty and we have compiled a list for your reference. 


 Relieve muscle tension and stiffness

When afflicted with back pain, even the simplest tasks become huge challenges. Regular massage is known to help improve blood flow to oxygen-starved back muscles and prompts the body to release endorphins - the body's natural painkiller. The results are faster recovery and improved range of motion. Regular massage stimulates tight muscles, joints and ligaments empowering the body to heal and improving range of motion.


Reduce muscle spasms

Spasms and cramps can be painful, unexpected and frustrating. By gently and gradually stretching and manipulating muscles, regular massage may ease pain and hasten recovery.


Relieve tension-related headaches and effects of eyestrain

Every muscle and nerve in the body is interconnected in some way. When you have a sore back or tight neck, or when you're constantly straining your eyes, the ripple effect can travel throughout the body. Regular massage manipulates and increases blood flow to the back, neck, and all muscles of the body so it can return to a natural state of wellness.


Increase relaxation

It's easy for the day's stresses to add up, causing the mind to race and muscles to tense. Regular massage eases tight muscles and helps to release endorphins, which helps the body feel better, enabling restorative relaxation and helping the mind and body maintain a healthy state.


Relieve stress

Whether it's tight deadlines, relationship problems or a flat tire, we all face stressful situations every single day. Both short- and long-term stress trigger changes in the body, which increases the likelihood of getting sick, raises the risk of serious conditions like heart disease, and can make problems we already have worse. Regular massage puts the mind and body at ease by easing sore muscles, relieving stress and prompting the body to release endorphins.


Promote mental clarity

Regular massage has been proven to improve the mind's ability to monitor stress signals and respond appropriately, enhancing capacity for calm thinking and creativity.


Reduce anxiety

Regular massage prompts the body to move from sympathetic activity to parasympathetic activity, enabling the mind to calm and slow down - similar to taking your foot off the gas in a car. This respite from intense thought and stress "restarts" the mind and restores a healthy mental state.


Reduce heart rate

Regular massage is known to help reduce stress and improve blood flow, thereby enabling the heart to pump the same amount of blood with less effort, which can lead to improved heart health.


Lower blood pressure

High blood pressure (or hypertension) is when the blood moves through the arteries at a higher pressure than normal, which can lead to stroke, heart attack, heart failure or kidney failure. Regular massage helps to combat the effects of stress - a leading contributor to high blood pressure - helping to lower blood pressure and maintain the body's natural sense of wellness.


Improve blood circulation

The movements of massage cause blood to flush in and out of muscles and joints, increasing the delivery of vital oxygen and nutrients. This process can, in some cases, aid recovery time from injuries and provide the entire body with a greater sense of wellness.


Improve lymph flow

The lymphatic system rids the body of wastes such as bacteria, viruses and toxins. Regular massage helps to promote healthy lymph flow by working to reduce fatigue and stress, and to stimulate the body in order to remove potentially damaging waste products, thus maintaining its natural defense system.


Boost the immune system

Studies show people with high stress levels get sick more often than the general population. Beyond the stress-reducing and sleep-promoting benefits of massage, regular massage has been shown to help increase the immune systems cytotoxic capacity (the activity level of the body's natural "killer cells") and decrease the number of t-cells, which improves the body's overall immune functioning.


Reduce formation of excessive scar tissue

By stimulating the skin and muscles, and increasing blood flow throughout the body, regular massage helps promote tissue regeneration, and reduces scar tissue and stretch marks.


Improve skin health and nourishment

Regular massage helps to increase blood circulation, exfoliate dead skin cells and tone the skin, which encourages cell regeneration and assists in excreting waste products. The result is healthier, better-looking skin.


Realize more restorative sleep

The movements of massage cause blood to flush in and out of muscles and joints, increasing the delivery of vital oxygen and nutrients. This process can provide the entire body with an improved sense of well-being and calm the mind, allowing for deeper and more restful sleep.


Improve posture

Tight, sore muscles can throw off the body's balance. And, before long, muscles that were not initially tight begin to tense as they compensate for other parts of the body. The chain reaction spreads through the body, impacting posture. Regular massage addresses the problem immediately, easing muscles and enabling the body to maintain a healthy posture.


Enhance athletic performance

Overly sore muscles cannot function properly. Regular massage can help athletes of any level prepare for, and recover from, strenuous workouts by increasing oxygen-rich blood to tired, sore muscles, helping to restore natural well-being more quickly.


With all these benefit, no wonder so many people around the world continues to take massage as an essential part of their wellness journey. You should too!